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Priority Training Center
Providing Continuing Education Training For KY and Ohio Licensed Contractors
Call 859-553-6030
Register For A Class - USE THE ADD TO CART PAYMENT OPTION > Online self paced class 12 credit hours for KY or TN DW/WW operators. Take at your own pace.
Online self paced class 12 credit hours for KY or TN DW/WW operators.  Take at your own pace.  

The product you selected is currently unavailable.
Price: $195.00
Availability: OPEN
Prod. Code: 12012024

Once you register, we will call you within 2-3 hrs to go over the process of the self paced classes with you and to give you the opportunity to pick your topics.   You will have 24/7 access to your self paced classes and can take them day or night.

You can call Sara at 859-553-6030 for information or to register for any of our classes.